Moritz Lesnick is a former accadis Student who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Sports Management in 2015. After graduating he decided to get his master’s in Sales and Marketing at the EAE Business School. His destination was not any town or any country: He studied in Barcelona, Spain. Moritz was kind enough to share and further elucidate his experiences and decision to study in Spain. He explained what kind of preparations he was obligated to undertake and told us about his best experience abroad. Enjoy reading and - as always - we hope the interview will help you with any future plans of yours.
What was your intention in doing your master’s degree at a university in a foreign country?
My main intentions were to experience the working and studying culture in a foreign country and to put myself into an exciting learning environment with people from all over the world.. Through the dual degree at accadis and Northumbria University I learned that these experiences are valuable on a personal as well as a professional level, especially concerning the work with people from different cultural backgrounds and mentalities. Therefore, I was able to gain new knowledge on how rewarding studies abroad would be for my own journey and future career.
Why did you choose this country, this university and this course?
I chose to study in Spain because I had already studied in the UK before and wanted to discover a new culture and language. My main intention by choosing the business school was the specific class “Sales and Marketing” and the promising content. Additionally, I absolved a few internships in Sales or Marketing yet was it still not entirely clear which direction I would rather take. Connecting the two subjects was therefore a good chance for me to continue studying both fields while having more time to decide which path I should focus on.
Do you think that accadis prepared you well for a master’s abroad?
I felt well-prepared for my degree abroad because of the solid foundations that were taught at accadis. Of course, this includes the necessary frameworks, the problem-solving skills and the foundational business knowhow. However, for me personally the most valuable skills that were taught at accadis were definitely those that had to do with self-development, personal growth and the presentation skills. These experiences and skills have more than once been a game changer and proved extremely valuable throughout my degree abroad.
What are your plans once you have finished your master’s degree?
After completing my degree at EAE Business School I absolved an internship in the FMCG sector. After that, I started my current job at a Fintech company in Frankfurt in the department Business Development.
What is the best part of doing a master’s abroad?
The best part is without a doubt the experience that comes with studying with students from so many different nations. Especially in Spain, there is a wild mix of people from all over the world which opens a lot of new perspectives and broadens your horizon in terms of cultures and habits of other nationalities. To give an example, working with students from South America taught me that sometimes your only chance of making your voice heard and getting your point across is to engage in lively discussions and be passionate about your arguments rather than waiting for the right moment to say something.
Is the application process for universities abroad very complicated?
I can only speak for myself of course but in my case the process was fairly easy. My online application contained of a letter of motivation. Afterwards, I was invited to an interview over the phone. Soon after the call I received a letter of acception from the school..
Did you have difficulties in finding an apartment?
Finding an apartment turned out to be a major challenge. I expected it to be tough and therefore flew out to organise my accommodation in advance. Thanks to our great Spanish lecturer Ana Ramirez, me and my fellow accadis Alumni, Grigor Arnolds, had a decent enough Spanish level so we were able to sort it out a few weeks ahead of the start date. My advice is to start thinking about accommodation far enough in advance so you do not run into any trouble and end up paying way too much for a flat.
All in all: Would you decide to do a master’s abroad again? What was your coolest experience? What was your highlight?
All in all, I would probably decide to do a degree abroad again. The coolest experience was going to the beach every day after school throughout the summer and enjoying student life one last time before starting into the work-life.
Thank you again Moritz for sharing your thoughts and experiences!